An interesting post for the day right before the election. My post? HA! I can't talk this much...
Capitalism is not the problem. Greed is, and the pure, unfettered Capitalism advocated by Libertarianism gives greed carcinogenic free reign.
And he goes on...
The universe doesn’t give a rat’s ass about us - it will start over, with evolutionary processes somewhere else, and we will dissaper into the sands of time just as surely as the tombs of the Pharos.
So that gives you a taste of this guys nice political rant. It's about a five minute read and it has a lot of good political thought in it. It's HERE.
And John has a good political post today too.
An entirely new genus, in the "daisy" family
1 hour ago
He seems to demonize a straw man liberterianism.
After tomorrow we should all go on a political hiatus for a few months.
I want one of those "I voted twice" stickers!
Angel - I think Osama was a libertarian living in his cave and all.
Jay - Are you kidding? 2014 political season starts in just 2 days!
John - I should have looked for someplace to buy those.
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