Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2100 - 5 biggest threats to the middle class

Here's an article about the 5 biggest threats to the middle class.

The article states that they are...

1. Medical Providers

2. Retirement Brokers

3. Banks

4. Higher Education Operators

5. Big Box and Fast Food Companies

The article is a short read but there are links galore backing up the view of the author.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Very definitely higher education operators.

The Bastard King of England said...

Great cartoon!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have to stop coming here, I'm getting depressed.

Mike said...

Angel - Who do they think they are? Billionaires?

King - I took me hours to draw that.

Peg - Would an overnight stay in John's new house fix you up?

Bilbo said...

Let's ALL stay in John's new house! I'll even do the cooking. And we can put up a big sign that says "corporate vampires stay out!" Ah, fantasy ... !

Mike said...

Bilbo - We could all move in and never see each other again.

I'm With Stupid said...

Basically everything we love or are told to love.


Grand Crapaud said...

I'd go with six threats -- and throw in the government too. But those five are valid.

Big box stores are putting smaller concerns out of business.

Dianne said...

can we add insurance companies

Mike said...

Jay - The ONE love would be fast food, right?

Grand - I think the government is in cahoots with all of them.

Dianne - That would be 1a.