Have you signed up to sign White House petitions yet?
No? Well here's the motivation to do it. There is a petition going right now to have the Westboro Baptist Church declared a hate group. What more motivation could you want?
I know, first amendment. Well there is a fine line on every law and WBC is way on the other side of the first amendment line. They are way past yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater.
So go to THIS LINK and read about the petition and a few more stories on the WBC.
And then I have to wonder if WBC has harassed that site. You see that site was one of the sites that had all of the WBC's personal information posted. It's not there anymore. Good thing I copied it all. If anybody else wants a copy send me an email.
Fred in the coffee shop
1 hour ago
Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group, even if not offical.
Angel - Amen
WBC is, indeed, a "hate group" by the current definition. However, although they are utterly detestable and deserve to be condemned by people of goodwill (however many of those there are left), I wouldn't be too hasty to limit their freedom of speech and expression. That's a slippery slope that's a lot more dangerous than putting restrictions on guns.
Bilbo - Then how about unrestricting peoples ability to beat the crap out of them.
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