What list ? Why 'The Big List of Who Hates Guns'. Yes the NRA has a gun haters list (according to them). While the real motivation for most of these people is better gun control. What's really funny is the size of the list. And the statement that 'we'll be watching you'.
I would post the list here but it's too damn big. Besides, someone wrote an article praising the list and published it. The list is HERE.
p.s. My cousin Mike Peters is on it. And here's his latest editorial cartoon...
Ohoh, today is Friday the 13th. Bad luck for the gun guys.
Find the invisible cow
55 minutes ago
An interesting enemies list.
"we'll be watching you" !!
with what? their scopes?
Nice cartoon.
Banana - A list that will just get bigger.
Dianne - Don't give them any ideas.
Grand - Mike Peters always nails it.
The A.M.A. and the A.P.A. are hardly fringe organizations.
Angel - It's a 'you're either for us or against us' world out there in the 'guns are us' world.
Saw an interesting quote...
If a preschool child hits another child with a rock... the solution is not for every child to have a rock.
LET - Too much logic there. He NRAs' head would explode trying to figure that out.
Where do we come up with the sort of weird people who feel compelled to make lists like this? Oy.
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