This is a story about my daughters' friends' sister. And yes I have met the sister who will be called 'her' and 'she' to keep her name private.
She was in bed and heard a noise. She thought it was the upstairs neighbor coming home. Then she heard glass breaking. Did the cat knock something over? Let's get up and go see.
What she found in her kitchen was 2 boys, 14 and 16?, that had just broken into her house. She hollered at them to get the hell out of her house. They were caught by surprise and did what they were told and left.
Then the older one must have realized 'Hey, we have a gun. Let's go back'. So they come back into the house pointing the gun at her and say 'Give us all your money!'
She stares them down again and says 'Take a look around. Does it look like I have any money!'
They look around and then slowly back out the door keeping the gun pointed at her. They close the door (with the broken window), then ..... wait for it.... reach back in through the window and lock the door. I guess so she can't come after them.
What the scary part about this is these pin heads had a gun. They were probably lucky they didn't shoot themselves. And no they haven't been caught yet.
Reclaiming Some Shut-eye
4 minutes ago
What an awful experience! They sound like they're slow-witted, which does not omen well for a life of crime.
Probably they were driven to get money for drugs. I'm glad the outcome was not worse!
They are pinheads. It's a shame that natural selection moves so slowly.
That is just awful.
And I thought I was having a bad week!
I'm glad she is okay - and those 2 knuckleheads - where the hell do 14 yr old get a gun? Oh wait, everyone is now armed up the yazoo for "protection"
And if she had shot them in self defense would that have been the right thing to do?
I'm moving to Canada.
How scary! My worst nightmare for sure.
Angel - It probably won't be long until they're caught doing something.
Duck - Drugs is usually the motive these days.
Elvis - Darwin is calling to them.
Peg - I she had had a gun and would have shot them she would probably be in jail.
Candice - Brent would take care of them for you.
Too bad she didn't have a gun too so they could have had a shootout right there in her kitchen. Of course, only her cat the next door neighbor would have been shot.
Jay - She would have had them the first time. Before they remembered they had a gun.
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