Saturday, February 16, 2013

2167 - Lab math small Jim Earth

A box of chocolate.... labs.

A math slam....


Write this down. It will come in very useful.


Straight from the IWS blog...

Matt:  They could chime in on Oscar Pistorius the legless sprinter who killed his girlfriend.
Jay:  Frankly, I am stumped as to why he did that.


Amanda said...

I wish I could borrow that box of chocolate labs.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Those Labs are adorable!

That last one about the believers is so true!

Duckbutt said...

Calling it The Jim can be problematic for exercise fans.

Bilbo said...

I feel stupid quite often, but now I feel better.

Dianne said...

love these!!

those IWS boys are so clever

Mike said...

Amanda - So you want a dog? I've got one for you. It will be in the mail Monday.

Angel - Amen

Duck - But great for me.

Bilbo - It's always good to feel better.

Dianne - Every once in awhile they come up with a good one.

Big Sky Heidi said...

Labs ae wonderfully cute puppies.