Saturday, March 02, 2013

2181 - Slap

I don't know what prompted this request. Maybe trouble just waking up. But this guy asked his wife to slap him awake for 15 days. It doesn't look like it helped anything at all.


Duckbutt said...

A cheap alarm clock or cold water would work better.

Mike said...

Duck - The alarm clock and only the alarm clock.

Mike said...

I fixed two typos in the last sentence that made it sound .... confusing. Very confusing.

The Bastard King of England said...

He must be masochistic or something.

Mike said...

King - Or desperate to wake up. Very desperate.

I'm With Stupid said...

And after presenting this tape as evidence of abuse to the judge he'll STILL lose in the divorce.


Mike said...

Jay - You think so? Even with the law firm of I, W and S?

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Dude..that's nuts!

Mike said...

Andrea - This falls into the 'what ever works' category.