Saturday, March 16, 2013

2196 - Misc. Saturday

 Don't you just hate it when the neighbors dog does his business on your lawn?

This could be the best 20 dollars you ever spent.

I would not have the patience. This picture was done on a typewriter. (click it)

What does a person in charge of the store mannequins do when they're bored?

And more dogs. I think dogs can be this sneaky sometimes.


Amanda said...

WOW! Wouldn't want to make a mistake while working on that typewriter 'painting'.

Grand Crapaud said...

I think that my dog does that sometimes just to get a rise out of us.

Mike said...

Amanda - One character a day for ? days?

Grand - And it works, doesn't it?

eViL pOp TaRt said...

In the south we say that the dog is doing his bidness on the lawn.

Big Sky Heidi said...

Oh, those manniquins!

Mike said...

Angel - As in takin' care uh bidness?

Heidi - They are takin' care uh bidness.