Thursday, March 28, 2013

2208 - What to beleive

Found a story through reddit with this headline...

Crime: Marijuana possession
Sentence: Death

It's a story about a quadriplegic that was arrested, tried and convicted, and died in jail in DC. Pretty simple story right? The internet is going nuts about this guy dying in jail. (back in 2004)

Well things are never as simple as the seem on the surface. If you have awhile you can read this DETERMINATION by a Judicial Committee that points out quite a few things that were left out of the final simple story.

Should the guy have died in jail. Absolutely not. Did he put himself into this situation? Absolutely. This guy and a friend caught in an H2 hummer with a gun, crack cocaine, and pot. Were they dealers? Who knows. They pleaded the quad down to marijuana possession. The judge apparently was not informed about all this guys medical needs.

All the talk is about the judge sending this guy to jail. What the heck was going on at the jail? They never talk about that.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Definitely an incomplete story.

Mike said...

Angel - To say the least.