Friday, March 29, 2013

2209 - Beer

I was going to up load 4 of these auto GIFs but this one GIF is 6 meg so maybe I'll do them one day at a time. 

And the more I watched this GIF the more I wonder if it's real or a well staged magic trick. For one the pitcher is a lot bigger than someone's stomach. I would think the kid would throw every thing right back up. (He may have.) 

Second, dumping that much alcohol into your body all at once just might give you alcohol poisoning. That look in the kids eye at the end might have been his last look.

So you can decide. Real or fake. After all, this is from the internet. 


Dianne said...

I keep looking at his throat to see if it's swallowing
I don't know
the kid next to him looks deranged

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

They're both deranged!

Mike said...

Dianne - Typical college kid?

Elvis - True.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I'm guessing it was faked. At least they weren't butt-chugging.

Mike said...

Angel - At least they weren't what? Off I go to the internet....