Saturday, March 30, 2013

2210 - Boink and Poof

OK yesterday the one GIF seemed to download OK for me. I assume it was OK for everyone else. So today I try two.

This first one is a failure to plan ahead. You may have to watch it a couple of times to see the planning problem.

And then there was the base jumper. You know people that jump off of buildings and towers. They jump, throw out the little drogue chute, and then the main chute ope...... HEY! ..... POOF!

I'm assuming since there was a big puff of snow when he hit the ground that he didn't die.


John A Hill said...

1 ouch!
2 OUCH!!!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Oh my goodness! Some people need minding for their own sake.

Amanda said...

That was painful to watch! Reminds me of those epic fail clips that are on YouTube.