Sunday, March 31, 2013

2211 - ATTACK!

OK here's the last GIF I found the other day. I think this is the best one because it's something that is doable. All you need is a leaf blower, a paint roller, and a couple of rolls of toilet paper.

Look out Claudia!


Bilbo said...

I can just imagine Agnes's response to being TP'd like that. The coroner would no doubt be involved.

Amanda said...

LOL! Thats such a guy thing to do....

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Wow! That was an A.M. surprise!

John A Hill said...

Love Amanda's response!

Mike said...

Bilbo - But think how much fun you would be having as you died. What a way to go!

Amanda - I guess that's why I thought, "Wow this is cool!" when I saw it.

Angel - I'll work on getting someone to pay you a visit.

John - She nailed it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

In the past I have been inclined to show Rick your posts, however this one never see the light of day.

Mike said...

Peg - I really need to get Ricks phone number.

Grand Crapaud said...

Even better if she's in the shower.

Mike said...

Grand - There we go. Upping the game a step.