Friday, July 05, 2013

2307 - Fundamentalist alert

I found an article called '5 Sneaky Ways Fundamentalists Are Trying To Slip Christian Creationism Into America’s Public Schools'. Here are the main topics from the article.

1. Pretending to teach kids “critical thinking” skills
2. Lumping it in with other controversies
3. Calling it academic freedom
4. Urging teachers to “go rogue”
5. Calling creationism something else

And the ending paragraph.

Evolution is no longer considered controversial by the scientific community. To biologists, it is as well established as the theory of gravity or the germ theory of disease. When Religious Right activists succeed in removing it from the classroom or watering down the instruction to the point of uselessness, they don't just violate the separation of church and state, they undermine our nation’s leadership in science.

It's not a long article and it's a call to be on alert to the fundamentalism that wants to take us back in time to where a lot of Muslim countries have wound up.


Grand Crapaud said...

I've noticed that trend for a long time. Using teaching "critical skills" as a way of getting creationism in the back door seems to be very ironic, as creationism onvolves swallowng a lot of assumptions.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Urging teachers to go rogue is setting them up for dismissal, or not getting tenure.

Mike said...

Grand - Mislabeling seems to the critical component of the plan.

Angel - Let's hope admins are paying attention.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Asking teachers to go rogue is a dickish idea!

Mike said...

Elvis - Sounds like a good way to lose your job.