Monday, August 12, 2013

2345 - An amazing post

Post 2345. Not quite as good as 1234 but close. And one day I'll get to post 12345, right? HA!

So how about a newer version of Who's On First?

I had to look twice. Will you?

This is an amazing comedy bit. Well maybe not.

Are you into cars? I'll bet you would have trouble getting into this one.

Some people went to Israel. There were t-shirts with some hebrew on them. Let's buy one for a souvenir they say.

What does the shirt really say? Turn your monitor upside down to read it.


Bilbo said...

The Irish girl would have been easier to see from a different angle that would have shown the red hair. On her head.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Now that's being pale!

Amanda said...

I'm going to have to start saving my words.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I must be adopted.
I think I'm really Irish.
I have to go talk to my parents now. Thx Mike.

Claudia said...

"Who's on first" tickles me every time!

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Talk about an extreme lowrider!

Mike said...

Bilbo - She might look like just a pile of red hair from the other direction.

Angel - I think that's Edgar Winters' daughter.

Amanda - That does make you think about exclamations about everyday things doesn't it?

Peg - You know when I met you you did seem to glow in the dark. Not.

Claudia - Me too.

Elvis - You could hurt yourself trying to get into that thing.