Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2324 - 0to9, 70to13, 1/4, 3

The alphabet and numbers 0 to 9.

Have you gone to rock concerts from the 70's until now. If you have you've seen this transition.

Are you hungry? How about a quarter pounder? It turns into a tooth pick if you chew long enough.

And this is one of those impossible objects called a Penrose triangle. One interesting thing about this object is that it has a continuous side like a mobius strip.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

The Penrose Triangle is an excellent illusion, leading to delusions or confusions.

Amanda said...

I stared at that first one for a long time to see if all the lines were used. I think part of the 's' shaped line int he top left rectangle wasn't.

The Bastard King of England said...

That first illustration is amazing.

Mike said...

Angel - Or and.

Amanda - It's like it was going to be part of a Q or the 1 but someone forgot about it.

King - It can keep you amused for longer than it should.