Thursday, May 01, 2014

2596 - Cams

Well how about some live camera action? I found where some people were talking about their favorite live cam feeds.

This first one is from the ISS space station. Not much to look at though. I didn't spend a whole lot of time on this because the picture you may or may not see depends on where the station is at the time.

And there is the panda cam. They shut it down for awhile but got so many complaints it's back up and running.

You can watch where the Beatles crossed Abby Road here.

Thinking of getting a pet deer. Watch here to see if it will suit you.

Or from the same site, watch some baby eagles.

How about some sea otter watching?

This site should lead to multiple cams. I haven't tried any yet.

Here's a park and the Old Court House in downtown St. Louis where the Dred Scott case was tried.

This is the main Earthcam link. Lots of places to go from here.

Save the best for last? Well the most interesting anyway. Watch 7 couples live their life in their apartments. The catch? You have to pay after watching the first time for free. So if you go here hopefully someone will be home. There were three out of the seven home when I saw this yesterday afternoon. The girls were all walking around in their underwear.


Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Those are quite welcome, especially the eagle and the otter ones.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

The panda is adorable. I'll be sure to look at some others.

Otters especially.

Chuck the Grumpy Cat said...

Tne animal ones are addictive.