Thursday, June 19, 2014

2645 - I'm dead

I'm going to die..... soon. (I'm not responsible for any injuries.)

In a study published in the European Journal of Cardiology, Araujo had more than 2,000 patients ages 51 to 80, all part of an exercise program at Clinimex Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio de Janeiro, take the SRT. People who scored fewer than eight points on the test, he found, were twice as likely to die within the next six years compared with those who scored higher; those who scored three or fewer points were more than five times as likely to die within the same period compared with those who scored more than eight points. 

(Click em to big em)
Try It
1. Stand in comfortable clothes in your bare feet, with clear space around you.
2. Without leaning on anything, lower yourself to a sitting position on the floor.
3. Now stand back up, trying not to use your hands, knees, forearms or sides of your legs.


The two basic movements in the sitting-rising test — lowering to the floor and standing back up — are each scored on a 1-to-5 scale, with one point subtracted each time a hand or knee is used for support and 0.5 points subtracted for loss of balance; this yields a single 10-point scale.

Overall, each point increase in the SRT score was associated with a 21 percent decrease in mortality from all causes. 



John A Hill said...

Yeah, I'm gonna die, too!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Yea I'm gonna live. That Pilate's pain master gave me life...with pain.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm dead and I'm only 39

eViL pOp TaRt said...

This is real inducement for people of all ages to exercise, and possibly take up yoga.

Grand Crapaud said...

Oh, damn!

Bilbo said...

According to this, I died in 2009.

Duckbutt said...

didn't quite make the grade.