I found an article in Cracked.com. It's a scientific article about sexual attraction. We know how scientific Cracked.com can be but what the hell, it's on the interent, it must be true.
Statistics indicate that more and more frequently, "hookups" are turning into meaningful relationships. While that might sound like a snazzy pickup line, it actually means you might marry someone because of the color of the shirt she was wearing the night you met her. According to science, the world around you is dangerously full of hidden aphrodisiacs that can land you in bed, and even in long-term relationships, with someone who's totally wrong for you.
So here are the 6 topics the article covers...
#6. Fear
Did you see a comedy or a horror movie on your first date?
#5. The Color Red
...if you really want to get the girl, make sure you're wearing the right color.
#4. Your Ear and Forearm
The reason your brain might "just know" could simply be a matter of which side of your body the person was standing on when he asked you out.
#3. The Taste in a Kiss
...when you're out looking for someone to breed with, MHC is probably the most influential aspect of a partner that you didn't know you were judging.
#2. The Pill
If she's been on birth-control pills the whole time you dated, there's a chance you're both being tricked into marrying exactly the wrong person by your own bodies.
#1. Timing
Whether you end up getting rejected by someone or falling in love with her can be totally determined by the day of the month you meet her.
Taking Life One Day At A Time
8 minutes ago
These factors account for something; but how much of the total variation?
First, quick impressions are very important.
I'd prefer the comedy.
I'd prefer the comedy.
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