Friday, July 18, 2014

2674 - Discover Your Hidden Superpowers

I found another very interesting article. "Discover Your Hidden Superpowers." It's on the NewScientist web site which means it won't be available for long. So I copied the article to here. Lots of links to follow.

I've seen about half of these before but never assembled all in one article. Have fun testing yourself.

Prodigious talent

Research suggests that child prodigies all have exceptional working memory. To test yours, ask a friend to read out a random list of three numerals, one per second; then you should repeat them in reverse order. If you can manage this, try four numerals, then five and so on. An average 30-year-old should be able to reach five or six, an average 40-year-old about five, and a 50-year-old around four.
To explore your working memory further, try the Cambridge Brain Sciences tests, run from the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada.

Born to run

Are you better suited to endurance or power sports? These tests could help you find out.
Sargent jump test This determines whether you have a high proportion of fast-twitch muscles. Get a piece of chalk, stand next to a wall with your feet flat on the floor, reach up as high as you can and make a chalk mark. Then jump as high as you can from standing (no run up allowed) and mark the height again. Calculate the difference from your standing reach to the height of your jump to work out the actual distance you jumped. Repeat this three times and take an average.
To see how well you've done, use the automatic assessor on the BrianMac Sports Coach website. A good score in this test means you would be well suited to power sports such as weightlifting and sprinting, but probably not endurance events.
Wall squat test This determines your proportion of slow-twitch muscles. Simply hold a squat position with your back against a wall – feet flat on the ground, knees at 90 degrees. If you can do it for more than 30 seconds, that's pretty good. A minute or more indicates a high proportion of slow-twitch muscles, in which case you are better suited to endurance sports such as long-distance running.
Reaction time To find out why this matters, see "Olympic start gun gives inside runners an edge". There's a test you can try online at the Human Benchmark website to see how you compare with other people.
Body mass index (BMI) This is clue to your overall fitness level. Use anonline calculator such as the one on the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood website to calculate your BMI and see what it means.
Body fat percentage You can work out yours with nothing more sophisticated than scales and a tape measure – follow the instructions on theLivestrong website. A fit woman will have 21 to 24 per cent body fat, a fit man 14 to 17 per cent. Female athletes have 14 to 20 per cent; their male peers have 5 to 13 per cent. Women with less than 10 to 13 per cent fat and men under 2 to 5 per cent should probably see their doctor.


Have you got what it takes to be a professional taster?
The triangle test Look the other way while a friend prepares three cups, two containing the same product – say, Coca-Cola – and the third containing something different that looks the same, such as Coca-Cola Zero. Can you tell from the taste alone which is different, and describe what's different about it? This test is to see how much you notice different flavours and whether you can rely on your taste buds rather than your eyes to tell food and drink apart.
Basic tastes test Fill four cups with water and again, look the other way while your patient friend dissolves a little granulated sugar in one, salt in another, lemon juice in another and monosodium glutamate in the last one. These solutions should be quite dilute. Can you distinguish between the four tastes, identifying sweet, salty, sour and umami?
Ranking test Choose three of the above tastes and dissolve increasing amounts of each substance in water to make four cups with different degrees of strength for each taste. With all these tests the liquid should be clear and identical-looking. Can you put the four cups in order of weakest to strongest, and also say what taste it is?
Bitter blindness Drink an espresso. If it tastes bland, you probably have the gene variant that makes people "bitter blind".
Colour blindness We taste with our eyes as well as our mouths, so if you are colour blind you would fail to make the grade as a professional taster. You can take the standard Ishihara test online.
Smell sensitivity You should be blindfolded while another person wafts items under your nose for you to identify. Try a square of chocolate, cinnamon powder, dried herbs like thyme or rosemary, orange juice and Vicks VapoRub.
Taste bud count One way to test if you are a supertaster is to count the bumps on your tongue. First, put food colouring on your tongue: fungiform papillae, which hold your taste buds, don't take the colouring as well as the tissue around them, so they will stand out as pink circles against a coloured background. Now take a piece of paper, make a hole in it with a conventional paper punch and place it on your tongue. Count the number of papillae you can see within the hole. The average person has around 20. If you count 50 or more, you are a supertaster.

Natural born leader

Do people instinctively look up to you? What's your leadership style?
Height test People perceive you as a good leader if you are 10 to 15 centimetres above average height. Compare your height with the average using the chart on the Disabled World website.
Testosterone test The ratio of lengths of your index and ring fingers reflects the amount of testosterone you encountered in the womb. A low ratio (close to 1) indicates high exposure: people like this tend to be more autocratic and less participatory.

Twist or stick?

How good are you at making the right choice in risky situations? The Berlin Numeracy Test on measures "risk literacy" and the "RQ" tests on the Projection Point website measure "risk intelligence".

Sixth sense

Interoception is the ability to tune in to signals from your body. If you're good at this, you should excel at all sorts of things from intuitive decision-making to observation and empathy.
Heartbeat test Ask a friend to take your pulse, using as light a touch as possible so that they can feel it but you cannot. They should do this four times, ideally for different lengths of time (none need be more than a minute). Each time, you should estimate how many heartbeats there were in the period. To get your score simply divide the total number of beats your friend counted by the total of your estimates. The closer the result to 1, the better your interoceptive sensitivity.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

This is an interesting article, with useful links. Thanks, Mike!

I'm With Stupid said...

My hidden superpower is to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and make everyone uncomfortable.

Okay, maybe it's not so hidden.
