Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2678 - Stairs

I have enough stairs pictures for another post. Let's get stair stepping...

Even if the door was on the other side this wouldn't be right.

If you blow this up you can see the stairs used to be functional until they extended the bridge.

Handicap olympics...

I hope your wheelchair brakes are in good working order.

I don't think brakes will do you any good on this one.

Left, right, left, right, left.....


I'm With Stupid said...

The Winchester House in San Jose, CA has a stairway to nowhere. If you go up the stairs you find a blank wall and have to turn around and go back down. I went up them just to make sure it was true. ha


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Those stairs on the slant look like knee injuries waiting to happen.

In the first picture they threw away a perfectly good stair.

Anemone said...

The first two look like a remodeling to provide handicap access.

Bilbo said...

I didn't know you were a step child.