Friday, October 17, 2014

2765 - Balls

Yes I'm talking about those things. I found this story about a condition called beach balls.

I think I would just wait for the tide to come in.

So that started me thinking there has to be more ball jokes, right? Of course!

What does it mean if you've played golf since 25?

So this is what teabagging really looks like.

So I can bring in most dogs, right?

This is sort of true.

This is very true.


Bilbo said...

The equivalent condition for dancers is disco balls.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

The last one is not true!

Great ball humor!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh these are too funny.
I would imagine the numbnut who got his nuts stuck in the chair was someone who shouldn't have been naked in public to begin with....just a hunch.