Thursday, April 16, 2015

2946 - Impaled

I've been collecting these for awhile so I think it's time to let them loose. What? Pictures of fences that bite.

Let's start off slow with a couple of hanger ons. They tried to jump the fence and came up a little short.

This one was a little more serious so they took the fence with her to the hospital.

As they did with this one.

I posted one like this awhile back. This guy is just copycat.

And then there were the guys that.... well, see for yourself...

And this guy...

Butt we'll save the best for last. Look at the length of the spikes on either side of this guy. This is what 'stick it up your ass' is all about.


Bilbo said...

Vlad the Impaler has far too much amateur competition.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Ouch in sympathy!

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Those must have hurt, in addition to causing feelings of being dumb.

Cherdo said...

Oh, sweet Jesus, that gives me the creeps.

Linda Kay said...

Okay, I'm going to go throw up now! What incredible stupidity!

Anonymous said...

I've long thought that the first fences were probably made of spears stuck in the ground. This post gives more evidence for my theory.
