Wednesday, April 22, 2015

2952 - Middle East problems explained

Someone has done an excellent job of explaining the Middle East problems we have right now.

click it

If you still don't understand, call Aubrey. Then call me and explain it.


Bilbo said...

One of the best summaries of the Middle East I've ever seen was an editorial cartoon from many years ago in which a group of angry me (labeled as the various Arab countries of the Middle East) chased each other in a circle, shooting and stabbing each other in the back. The caption was "Forward Against Israel!"

Bilbo said...

That's "angry men." I don't type well this early.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

The Middle East keeps getting more confused.

Meredith said...

I am confused as hell.

Linda Kay said...

I think it's been confused all the way back to Biblical times when they split out the tribes. The question is why we have become involved in the first place.