Thursday, April 30, 2015

2960 - Oh baby

What baby? Any baby under one year of age. ........... Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the rest. Well here is a list of foods not to feed an under one year old baby. The ARTICLE has a one paragraph explanation for each of these foods. I knew about the problem with honey (botulism) but if I knew about the others I'd forgotten.

Nuts and Peanuts
Egg Whites
Cow's Milk
Juice (citrus fruit juices)

Now lets go make some egg white wheat cakes covered with chocolate, honey and nuts over strawberries sitting in a bowl of milk. And then a glass of orange juice to wash it all down.

I tried to find a picture of my concoction but this was as close as I could get.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

It looks like a vile assortment. I'll pass.

The Bastard King of England said...

Several things by themselves are good for adults, but not mixed. The shellfish are the deal breaker.

Linda Kay said...

I can't imagine why all of a sudden there are so many articles on allergies, when people have been eating these things since they were babies. I do think your concoction is a bit over the top, Mike.

Anemone said...

That looks gross!