Friday, May 01, 2015

2961 - CLUE

Ah the game of Clue. Or not. How about CLUE as in the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. The what?

This is a database that's run for the insurance companies. So right away you know you're going to get the short end of the stick, right?

This database tracks all insurance claims made on homes. So if you're buying a home and the previous owner has made claims, guess what. Your insurance rates will be higher. These old claims hang around for seven years.

You can get one free CLUE report a year on your property. 1-866-312-8076. But that's not going to help you when you're looking for a new home. You're going to have to ask your real estate agent for a CLUE report on the house you're thinking of buying. These probably should be a part of the sellers disclosure statement these days. But obviously they aren't.

Curious about CLUE? I'll save you the trouble of typing it into Google. Here's the LINK. And another LINK. And another, How about a SAMPLE CLUE report?


eViL pOp TaRt said...

These look very useful for people planning to buy a house.

Linda Kay said...

Some of those hidden issues that come up when one buys a house. We are buying one that is brand new, so no reports available. It might have been really useful on past issues!

Chuck the Grumpy Cat said...

This way there will one fewer surprise when you buy a house.

Anonymous said...

This provides a really useful link. Thanks Mike!
