Sunday, December 06, 2015

3180 - Sleep cycle

If I had an iphone or an android I'd download this app. It's called Sleepcycle. It listens to your sleeping patterns and lets you know how well you're sleeping.

If someone downloads this, let me know how it works. It might be worth upgrading my phone.

Lots more info on how it works and what the results mean on the website.


Blogoratti said...

Seems like a cool app to have.

Bilbo said...

I don't know if it would be confused by the sound of my CPAP machine, but since it seems to be a free app, I think I'll download it and give it a try.

John A Hill said...

There are several apps that work like this one and there are wearable devices that monitor more than movement and sound.

If I were going to monitor sleep patterns--and I have thought about it in the past-- I'd do it with a wearable device. I don't think the apps would do that well and could pick up movement and sound from your sleep partner.