Wednesday, February 15, 2017

35699 - Only

English Language Game - place the word 'only' anywhere in this sentence.

She told him that she loved him.

OK let's play...

Only she told him that she loved him.

She only told him that she loved him.

She told only him that she loved him.

She told him only that she loved him.

She told him that only she loved him.

She told him that she only loved him.

She told him that she loved only him.

She told him that she loved him only.


Bilbo said...

Many years ago when I was a Penn State Linguistics major, I went to a lecture by Noam Chomsky in which he discussed a similar topic: "Each Insertion." He was illustrating how meaning subtly changes depending on where in the sentence one places the word "each," as in "The soldiers shot each other," and "Each soldier shot the other." I love language, but more than an hour of "each insertion" was a bit much.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Insertions do that to you.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Language can be confusing sometimes.

Cloudia said...

some taste colors, I feel words and enjoyed this exercise

allenwoodhaven said...

This was excellent. Words can be powerful when expressed with the proper nuance.