Sunday, April 02, 2017

3645 - Dog .... or not

How much time have you got today? How about a word search? Specifically for the word 'dog'. I've wasted enough time looking for it. Now it's your turn. I don't think it's anywhere to be found.

Somebody spent a lot of time putting this together and making sure the word dog didn't accidentally show up.

UPDATE - Allen found it. It really is there!


Cloudia said...

I'm busy looking for 'god'

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Fantastic! A dyslexic's nightmare.

allenwoodhaven said...

I found one. Check 3rd row, 7th letter in (second D in row). Then go diagonal down to the right.

It's certainly difficult!

Insane Penguin said...

allenwoodhaven got that one right.

Mike said...

Allen - I'm usually pretty good at these but not this time. When I read that you found it I thought you were kidding!

Mike said...

Oh and Cloudia, god is there too!