Monday, May 01, 2017

3674 - Intelligence

The internet has just declared me intelligent. Here are ten things that are the deciding factors.

1. Talking to Yourself ~ Who else is going to listen?
2. Having Few Friends ~ I have a couple of them, I think.
3. Not Making Progress ~ Unfinished projects. Oh yeah.
4. You Take Your Time ~ See 3.
5. Messiness ~ “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Einstein
6. Doodling ~ @#!$%^*&$#^%!
7. Nonchalance/Indifference ~ I don't care if you thought 6 was cussing.
8. You Delegate ~ Someone figure out what the doodles in 6 mean.
9. Efficiency ~ ✔
10. NAPS! ~ Short naps, long naps, power naps, nap naps.

Here's the article. Or long meme.


allenwoodhaven said...

Gee, I'm smart too! Who knew?

Cloudia said...

oh yeah