Sunday, September 17, 2017

3813 - Long joke Sunday

My Uncle Hersch and Aunt Sophie were married for 60 years and were both in their 80's.

One night Hersch gets up to use the bathroom and forgets to put the seat down when he's done. An hour later Sophie gets up to do the same thing, and falls right in. Worse yet she gets completely stuck.

"Herschel! Herschel!" she cried. "Help me! I'm stuck!"

So, Hersch gets out of bed, walks into the bathroom, and sure enough, she's stuck fast. He tries pulling at her to no avail.

"Oy, oy, what are we going to do?" moans Sophie.

"Relax," says Hersch. "We'll call a plumber."

"And pay the overnight rate?" asks Soph, incredulous.

"You want me I should bring you a pillow and you sleep there tonight?" asks Hersch.

"OK, OK, call him." So Hersch calls the plumber, and about 20 minutes later there's a knock on the door. "There he is," says Hersch. "I'll let him in." "Wait! You can't let him in...I'm naked from the waist down!"

Thinking quickly, Hersch takes off his yarmulke and hands it to her. "Here," he says. "You put this over your private parts and you're not naked."

So she does this, and Hersch lets the plumber in. They walk in the bathroom and the plumber starts surveying the situation. He tugs a little bit on her left arm, tugs on her right arm, then takes a step back and starts scratching his chin and thinking.

"Well?" asks Hersch, after a moment.

"Well," says the plumber, "I can save your wife. But the rabbi's a goner."


Cloudia said...


Bilbo said...

I heard this joke from my Dad many years ago, and he could tell it really well. It never gets old.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Old jokes like this are like fine wine.