Sunday, May 20, 2018

4058 - Long joke Sunday

It was Friday night. Frank, Jim and Ed were at the game ready to watch 26 infected zombie girls tear each other to pieces.

Tied around the inside of the arena, the infected girls are labelled A-Z, with fresh meat tied to their backs to entice them to fight. The winner is the last one standing.

Over 500 spectators watch from the stands behind a wire fence, betting slips in hand and eager for the fight to begin.


The foghorn sounds and they are released!

The infected zombie girls CHARGE into the arena. The girl labelled 'E' is taken out, then 'B' and 'K' are both taken down.

The fight is pushed towards the edge of the arena. They smash into the fence and it gives way. The infected zombie girls break free into the crowd!

"Oh SHIT!", shouts Frank, "LET'S GO!" And he points to the scaffolding further up the stands.

Frank and Jim ascend the scaffolding and reach the top. They look into the arena as the entire crowd of spectators is completely devoured by these terrifying creatures.

Ed is stuck at the bottom, he's simply too big to climb. They watch as one of the infected girls labelled 'S' sprints at Ed faster than a bullet and consumes him in the blink of an eye.

All 500 spectators were dead, all except Frank and Jim.

"Damn, Frank", says Jim, "That 'S' gal ate Ed quickly"


John A Hill said...

I did have to read it twice.

Mike said...

John - The main thing that helps understand this one is KNOWING it's a joke.

Cloudia said...

Where is the escalator!!!!?????