Sunday, March 01, 2020

4704 - Long joke Sunday

An old rancher went to a town hall meeting. The local politician was there to talk about the latest Ag legislation he proposed.

The politician talked about grazing, property rights, irrigation, and how the government could help the generational ranchers of the area.

After listening to the impassioned promises put forth by the politician, the old rancher raised his hand to ask a question.

Seeing that he had the attention of the weathered old rancher, and thinking he could score some points, the politician took the old man's question.

Old man: "Senator, did you know that cows, horses, and goats eat the same feed?"

Senator: "Yes sir, everybody knows that!"

Old man: "Then senator, can you tell me why cows poop patties, horses poop cubes, and goats poop pellets?"

Senator: "How would I know the reason for such a simple thing like poop?"

Old man: "Then senator, can you tell me how a man who doesn't know shit, can help me run my ranch?"


Duckbutt said...

Hes got a point there!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, good one!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I like it. Poop is poop. Or is it?

Bullshit is okay. Chicken shit is not. But it's really bad to be batshit crazy!

Kirk said...


allenwoodhaven said...


Heard a version of this joke long ago. This one is much better; thanks!