Thursday, June 25, 2020

4820 - Bendy

Here's a video of one of those bendy people. After you watch this you will have to go see your chiropractor. I started this at 1:17. The bendy stuff goes to 4:00.


Elephant's Child said...

Awe and wonder.
I am as supple as brick and could not do ANY of her moves. Ever.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh I can do that.

jono said...

I'll bet that she gets a lot of dates.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Stuff like this freaks me out.

Duckbutt said...

Holy cow! She's ultraflexible!

dellgirl said...

Oh good gracious, I'm getting "charley-horses" just looking at that video intro photo! Please excuse me while I go get my liniment...and heating pad.

Wishing You a Wonderful Weekend! Stay Safe, my friend!

Mike said...

EC - I'm right there with you.

MPP - I'll need video proof.

J - Too say the least.

DSWS - Imagine walking into a room and seeing her on a table like that.

DB - Ultra, mega, crazy.

DG - Did you set up a chiropractor visit too?

Kirk said...

Too bad Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four is already taken. He and this woman might have made a fantastic couple.

Mike said...

K - They might get tangle and never get undone.