Friday, June 26, 2020

4821 - Kathy Donnert

Here's someone to make you feel inadequate. She just keeps going. (to 6:40) Like Peggy said yesterday, "I could do this". I just don't feel like it right now.

Not much info on Kathy Donnert on the net that doesn't refer back to this audition. But you know she's been doing this for a long time to be this good.


Elephant's Child said...

I already feel quite inadequate enough thank you.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...
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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Sorry 'bout the typo above.
I don't want that pizza! Does she make money doing this? I mean you can't have a job and practice this silly stuff all day. That big guy is creepy!!! And lastly, how does one find out that they are good at tossing pizza dough with their feet? A cylinder I get, dough, not so much. Crazy

Mike said...

EC - Just trying to be helpful. :)

MPP - I'm not sure what she does. I tried to look her up but couldn't find out anything about her personal life, if she's a full-time performer, or anything else. What I thought was creepy was the camera shots of those audience members licking their lips. Totally unnecessary.

Cloudia said...

Bah Humbug! Back to my tea. . . .

Cloudia said...


Mike said...

C - If you start practicing now...

Kirk said...

That have to come up with a new Olympics event for her.

Mike said...

K - And just give her the gold medal and be done with it.