Tuesday, July 21, 2020

4846 - Conspiracy theories

This post may look short but there are 5 two minute videos to go watch. It's about conspiracy theories and the importance of verifying information on the internet.

And just to make this even longer. I found it from watching this 20 minute John Oliver video.


Elephant's Child said...

Verify, verify, verify.
And a twist on an old saying 'if you think it is too weird to be true, you are probably right'. But verify it anyway.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

On one of our local channels has a long segment called "Verify" weekly.
They take a theory to see if it's real or not. I love this show. They get stuff from social media as well as elsewhere. I love that they do this with trump and his croonies as well as other issues like covid-19 or just plain ole conspiracies or misinformation. It's a cool piece.

Mike said...

EC - Agree totally.

MPP - One of our channels also.

Ami said...

Saw a meme today. Can't remember the exact wording and I'm too lazy to go look it up, but it was something like

Have you ever noticed that people won't take two minutes to look up important information but will spend 15 minutes taking a quiz to see what kind of potato they are?

I have more than one acquaintance that posts almost nothing except anti-trump memes and 'what kind of potato are you' quizzes.

It made me laugh, but also sigh.

Mike said...

A - I've read where the 'what kind of potato are you' quizzes are really just there to collect data on you.

dellgirl said...

I, for one, will NOT be trying to verify any Conspiracy theories. Too much for this tired OLD cluttered brain to handle. Thanks for sharing the tip though.

Wishing you all the best...Stay Safe, my friend!

Mike said...

DG - BUT! What a way to kill a whole evening on the internet!