Sunday, August 16, 2020

4873 - Long joke Sunday

 A Texan, a Californian, and a Nevadan were out riding their horses. The Texan pulled out an expensive bottle of tequila, took a long draught, then another, and then suddenly threw it into the air, pulled out his gun, and shot the bottle in midair.

The Californian looked at the Texan and said, "What are you doing? That was a perfectly good bottle of whiskey!! The Texan replied, "In Texas, there's plenty of whiskey and bottles are cheap.

A while later, not wanted to be outdone, the Californian pulled out a bottle of wine, took a few sips, threw the half-full wine bottle into the air, pulled out his gun, and shot it in midair.

The Nevadan couldn't believe this and said, "What the heck did you that for? That was an expensive bottle of wine!

The Californian replied, "In California, there is plenty of wine and bottles are cheap."

A while later, the Nevadan pulled out a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. He opened it, took a sip, took another sip, then chugged the rest. He then put the bottle back in his saddlebag, pulled out his gun, turned, and shot the Californian.

The shocked Texan said, "Why in the world did you do that?" The Nevadan replied, "Well, in Nevada we have plenty of Californians, and bottles are worth a nickel."


Elephant's Child said...

If I was the Texan I would be feeling very, very nervous.

Mike said...

EC - I'm sure this joke gets modified to fit the local location a lot.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that's bad. But yay recycling!

Kirk said...

Must have been a rough night at the casino.

Mike said...

DSWS - I recycle a few jokes. Otherwise, I make them all up myself. ... HA! How did you like THAT joke?

K - You would think Nevadans would take all the Californians they could get!

Cloudia said...

Shocked, Mike! LOL

allenwoodhaven said...

I'll be getting laughs! Thanks.

Mike said...

AW - You can custom design this one.

dellgirl said...

Eyes rolling, lips pursed, GROANING . .Wishing you a wonderful week. Stay Safe, my friend!

Mike said...

DG - I stay safe even on the computer. I wear a mask. You know. Viruses.