Tuesday, August 25, 2020

4883 - Sneaky post

Here's a sneaky post. I'm going to send you to someone else's post! Ole Phat Stu. For some reason, I can't get his blog on my blog roll. So I put him on my 'other friend's' sidebar.  And what's strange, is that link takes you to his blog and not his main page to where I thought it would go. Maybe it's a cookie thing on my computer. Who knows. Go see OPS.


He doesn't allow comments. He explains in a sidebar somewhere. I read it.


Elephant's Child said...

He does allow comments - but you need to send them to him by email and he will decide when/whether/how much of them to post. His blog, his rules.

Ole Phat Stu said...

The link for my blog is always

That then takes you to the current blog. But the
Blogger tool doesn't like this efficient way of doing things and wants to force everyone to do it their way.

Mike said...

EC - True.

OPS - It's crazy.

John A Hill said...


Mike said...

JH - You saw the motorcycles, didn't you.