Wednesday, August 26, 2020

4884 - YouTube to the rescue

My mother-in-law had a problem with her condo garage door opener. She called the maintenance number for the condo association. "Call back, he's not here." So she called back. "He's not here." 'When can I get him to call me?' They hung up on her.

So she called my son who went over there and changed the battery on her remote. But things still didn't work. I went over there. We tried to reprogram the remote. We followed the directions on the back of the opener. But no, it still wouldn't work.

I took the number for the condo association thinking I'll call them the next day. But that night I did a little research. I watched a few youtube videos and one thing caught my attention; one guy said the first thing you have to do is have the garage door 'down'. We had it 'up' when we were playing with it.

The next day I thought I'd call the helpline for the opener. Got a nice guy that had several suggestions that sounded like they might work. I mentioned the door down theory I saw on Youtube. He'd never heard of that. He emailed me stuff to try.

So I went over to my MIL's yesterday. I think, before I reset everything back to factory I'm going to try the door down theory. I do what I had tried the day before but with the door down. FIXED! New code entered. Door now works! Yeah Youtube!

So I think what happened was her remote's battery went dead. We put in a new battery. Then it needed to be reprogrammed. But the door needed to be down.

Thank goodness I didn't have to deal with the HOA.


Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for Youtube.
HOA's are an alien concept to me, but nothing I have heard about them leads me to think that dealing with them is ever a pleasure.

Kirk said...

I park outside. I wouldn't have known what to do.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Could you come help with mine? Why would the HOA be of help is what I was wondering as I read this. But perhaps because it is a condo and they fix things like this for you? Our HOA tells me my garage windows are dirty and have them cleaned STAT.or be fined. But no help with anything!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You cracked that case!

BootsandBraids said...

Sounds like your MIL's maintenance group is just as lousy as ours, but at least ours don't hang up on us, they just ignore. LOL.

Mike said...

EC - I would never move into a home that has an HOA. (I say that and hope it never happens.)

K - YouTube will teach you.

MPP - She's in a 4 apartment condo. The HOA takes care of everything that's not inside your condo.

DSWS - I was done for the day. Have a success and take a rest.

BB - I'm glad I didn't have to deal with them.

Cloudia said...

I love finding the right solution online, but not searching a bunch of stupid opinions which happens too. For tech I like How To Geek. They know more than I need to know but a lot of just the right tips! Good for you!

Mike said...

C - Like the title said, easy fix.