Wednesday, October 28, 2020

4947 - The cube

You remember Rubics Cube right? Well here's an article in Wired Magazine that teaches you how to solve it in under a minute with a little practice. There's a video but I can't ... wait minute, let me try something.

If the video didn't show up, it's the first thing in the article.

The video is 24 minutes and very detailed. To get the idea, watch the first 30 - 40 seconds, then go to minute 23 and watch to the end. Then you can decide if you want to watch the whole thing.

And if you go to the ARTICLE, it's all printed out in text form.

Did I do this? Not yet. I haven't found my old cube yet. Not that I'm looking that hard.


Elephant's Child said...

Not for me. My brothers loved the dreaded cube and got very fast. I was never interested (or perhaps afraid of failing. Again.)

Bilbo said...

The way in which Der Furor's campaign speeches and GOP campaign ads frantically twist reality is the equivalent of twisting the hell out of a Rubic's Cube.

Mike said...

EC - Oh, come on... in one minute and you can be just like your brothers!

B - And NEVER solving it!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Rubiks Cube company just got bought by a Canadian toy company for $50 million. Well, it's big news in Canada. . . .

Mike said...

DSWS - So the Rubics Cube championships will probably be moved to Canada?

Kirk said...

I'm afraid my mind wandered during that.

Mike said...

K - It sounds simple, but...