Thursday, November 05, 2020

4955 - Voting

I left a comment on Bilbo's post yesterday about his poll worker day. After I got done I thought 'That could be my post for tomorrow!' Here's my comment.

They have started a new system in St. Louis County. You can go to any polling place in the county, give them your ID, and they print out your personal ballot right then. So it doesn't matter where you vote. I assume the computer is checking for mail-in voters before it prints the ballot.

They also had a website where you could see how many people were in line at each polling place. They did a count every 20 minutes and updated their location. You didn't even have to click on the marker on the map. Just hover over a site and the info popped up. 

So like I said yesterday, everybody I voted for lost. Even amendment 3 lost. And amendment 3 was ahead all night. It was in the last hour that a late surge of naysayers (tRUMPers) zapped it. 

So if you want to hear about what a poll worker's day is like, go visit Bilbo's post.

Follow up to Phyllis Powers who was killed yesterday going to vote.

She doesn't look 87, does she?


Elephant's Child said...

We can go to any polling place in the country to vote too. We have to take our chances on the queues though.
I am truly sorry that your voting was such a disappointment though.

Elephant's Child said...

She really didn't look her age at all. She looked vital and vibrant and interested in life - which makes the tragedy even worse somehow.

Bilbo said...

That's a great idea, but it must be a nightmare for security engineers. I can see endless possibilities for sore losers to claim hackers and other cybercriminals ate their votes.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Let's hope there are results soon!

Mike said...

EC - Country or county? If it's country, you're one up on us.
And no Phyllis didn't look her age. I never knew how old she was as long as I knew her. It was a surprise to find out she was 87.

B - Or if the printer dies at a polling place. I assume they have a backup.

DSWS - Let's get these riots going! One side or the other!

Elephant's Child said...

Country not county. Which is wonderful. Mind you, voting is compulsory here so they have to make it easy for us. And they do.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Wouldn't it make sense to have voting the same in each and every state? Oh yea, nothing gov't does makes sense.

Mike said...

EC - Very nice!

MPP - Wouldn't that be funny to have the Federal Government have voting rules for Federal offices that were different than State rules.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for the update Mike

Mike said...

C - :)