Friday, November 13, 2020

4964 - Memory problems

Claudia came home yesterday. She is struggling a little with her memory. This news story is from Wednesday. I saw it in the waiting room of the hospital right after her surgery was over. I wish I'd seen it two weeks before. The woman in the video had the same surgery Claudia had. 

I gave up trying to embed this video.


Bilbo said...

Give our best to Claudia ... we hope all will be well.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

General anesthetic can be tough on the brain, it's true. Have a good recovery, Claudia!

Mike said...

I updated the word 'today' to 'yesterday' in the post. It was 'today' when I typed it. It's 'yesterday' now.

B - Will do.

DSWS - There is apparently something about the surgery she had that makes the problem worse.

Elephant's Child said...

I am pretty certain that living with you keeps Claudia's brain active.
All my best for her recovery.
PS: Blasted blogger has taken to hiding your posts from me for hours. I still really, really don't like New Blogger at all.

Ole phat stu said...

She should recover soon. Wishing you both all the best.

I lost a friend to Alzheimers tbis year. He no longer recogni
zes me when I visit. So sad.

Ami said...

Anesthesia wrecked my dad's brain for MONTHS after his surgery. The 'one time' turned into three, so a triple dose of all the crap they give ya. The end results were very strange for quite some time.
Hope Claudia is feeling better and getting her 'self' back and that you are taking time to take care of you as well.

Joelle LeGendre said...

Anesthesia puts me out for 2 days. My better half knows I can't be going to work until the third day or everything is a jumble.

Claudia is not alone when it comes to mental alphabet soup syndrome.

Mr. Shife said...

Hope she is feeling better. Take care, Mike.

allenwoodhaven said...

Best wishes to you both!

Mike said...

EC - I look at other people's blogs when they are updated on my sidebar. (That's my reader) Sometimes it's 8-10 hours before a new post shows up. This was the old blogger too.

OPS - Claudia's main problem is Parkinson's. So the brain fog isn't helping things at all. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's have very similar brain problems like with alpha-synuclein. If you want to take a look at my Parkinson's blog it's Parkinson's associated articles. I need to update it a little more. I've been getting behind.

A - Sometimes I want to laugh at what she says but don't. Her brain is still scrambled.

JLG - Jumble explains it nicely.

MS - She actually is a little better today.

AW - Thank you.