Yesterday I was on four zoom meetings. Below hits the nail on the head on what happens on Zoom.
What Would A Desert Mayberry R.F.D. Blog Look Like?
32 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
When the local schools all closed down last spring, one of the casualties was the drama club presentation of “Peter Pan” at our granddaughter Elise’s school. Elise was cast in the role of Captain Hook, and she really threw herself into it, practicing her evil pirate voice and wearing her costume (Agnes made her a fancy pirate jacket, and I made a jazzy feathered hat, a sword, and a fancy strap-on hook). With the closing of the schools, the play was going to be cancelled, but the drama club advisor decided to try to do it virtually, with all the kids playing their parts from home via Zoom. You can imagine how well that went. Some kids forgot to turn on (or mute) their microphones, some had their webcams pointed in weird directions, and the system lag led to a lot of bizarre missed (or inadvertently-assumed) cues and oddly-delivered lines. One boy had his webcam pointed at his father, who was sitting in his easy chair swilling beer; others had all sorts of odd things going on in the background. Elise did a great job (of course), waving her hook and her sword menacingly and “aaarrrggghhh-ing” enthusiastically at the right places ... but on the whole, the production was, well, interesting. It was one of the high points of the year.
4 meetings Mike and you're retired. Something isn't right here. :-)
I have only played zoom once and that sums it up well. Too well.
What Peg said - 4 meetings and you're retired? Imagine if you were still actively employed . . . .
But that meme dealie certainly captures the Zoom experience.
It was so marvelous for me in 1969 when i was alternating backwards and forwards on the then brand new 747 Jumbo Jets between being in the truly incredible fjords in Europe filming "Song of Norway" (with Edward G. Robin-daughter, no less!), and Los Angeles filming "Brady Bunch" episodes. Of course it was interesting how the TV show went on to become the stuff of legend but the movie ("Song of Norway" not "The Brady Bunch Movie!) didn`t do that well critically or commercially, maybe because they tried to market it as another "Sound of Music" (the original posters advertising the movies from 1965 and 1970 are very similar), but those fjords, oh those fjords, it was like being on another planet.
B - I hope they recorded it. It sounds like it would be fun to watch with all the stuff going on.
MPP - Yesterday was the one day a month where the Zooms pile up. Claudia had her exercise class. Then there was the Parkinson's support group. Then I had my computer club meeting. Then there was the City Board of Alderman meeting.
Next week we have a 3 Zoom day. Most of the time it's none, one or two Zooms. None today or tomorrow, one of Friday.
EC - ONE?! You need to catch up. I can Zoom you a couple of times a day for the next couple of months, OK?
DSWS - I'm always afraid one is going to run over before I can get to the next one on the 4fer day.
B - It does catch it. And it doesn't seem to get any better.
LJ - Sounds exciting for FHD.
Never been on Zoom (wasn't there a 1970s PBS kids show with that name?) but God knows I've been exposed to enough human behavior to know it happens exactly as you say it does.
K - I don't know how you've avoided Zoom so far. Congratulations!
Way too many meetings for a retired guy.
Maybe 6 total for me...all year so far.
JH - Most of them are for Claudia and her Parkinson's. Then comes computer club. Then City meetings. And then a few doctor appointments here and there.
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