Wednesday, March 17, 2021

5089 - Wednesday memes

I can handle the term also.

Dorothys second movie.

I know a few people that need this operation.

A punguin.

Sometimes you have to be more specific. 

This truck is only one foot high.

Why there aren't more anesthesiologists. 


Elephant's Child said...

Ah but is there a good book inside everyone? I suspect not.
Love the nerd's come back line too.

Mike said...

Sue - If only I was a smarter nerd in school I'd write a book about it.

Bilbo said...

I laugh at that gender reveal party cartoon every time I see it.

Ole phat stu said...

Having written several books, I can tell you that textbooks are by far easier to write than novels. Each takes about 6 months though.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some real groaners here! My fave is the gender reveal party, LOL!

Kathy G said...

What does it say about me that my first thought was wondering if that toe truck could fit under an overpass?

Mike said...

Bill - I've had that cartoon for a while. It was time to let it loose. Just like in the cartoon.

Stu - I'm still not thinking about ever writing a book. But together we'll have a nice average.

Deb - Details details details.

Kathy - You've been watching too many Youtube videos about trucks crashing into low overpasses.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I love them all, but the anesthesiologist meme made me laugh out loud! Thanks.

Cloudia said...

Thank you mike. Your trivial nonsense has increased as importance. Hope it doesn't mean my brain is shrinking. Have a great day. I have an appointment for my first vaccine shot today wish me luck

Mike said...

Cloudia - Hopefully your shot will be a nonevent like both mine were.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good ones! Especially like "smarter than you" and the gender reveal party. Thanks!

Mike said...

Allen - Those seem to be two favorites. Or is the gender reveal most people's nightmare?

Mike said...

Shaw - An LOL is a good thing.