Thursday, March 18, 2021

5090 - The other side

I have some "friends" on Facebook that are on the other side of the political spectrum. I see posts every once in a while. Sometimes I feel obligated to correct them. Some I just let go. Here are a bunch of them I collected just so you can see what they are thinking. 

Blaming the Middle East gas price raises on the democrats.

Again, it's all the Democrat's fault.

I think it's illegal to kill babies.

He doesn't seem to realize the bible's been rewritten over 50 times.

Damn, the meme is missing.

No, we don't.

Yes, you do buy guns at stores. Just like the 21 YO did the other day before he killed 8 people.

I don't have time to discredit everything on this list.

My feeling weren't hurt. My mind was in disarray. And Biden is saving the country.

We don't trash talk "all" the police or soldiers. Just the bad ones.

tRUMP destroyed the country. Of course, we blame him.

Disgusted by him would be a better description.

I had to comment on this FB post.


Elephant's Child said...

I don't play FB and rarely wonder if I made the wrong decision there...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some people have very simplistic views of the world.

Mike said...

Sue - I got on it to see what my kids were doing. I seldom send out friend requests but lately, people have been friending me. For the longest time, I had about 30 friends. I don't think I've hit 100 yet. I need to check. Plus I talk to my 6YO granddaughter over Facebook messenger.

Deb - To say the least!

Kathy G said...

I've learned to scroll by those types of posts quickly...otherwise my blood pressure will go through the roof.

Shaw Kenawe said...

None of those memes are exaggerations. I read their blogs almost every day and, yes, they're as detached from reality as you think they are.

Mike said...

Kathy - Some of them are so off the wall that I can't help but to "correct" them.

Shaw - I know... it's sad. My son-in-law's brother has gone off the deep end.

Kirk said...

And anyway, I believe American flags are already present on Gov't property.

Mike said...

Kirk - Are you SURE?!

John A Hill said...

I'm starting to correct posts more often, calling out liars wherever I find 'em.

Mike said...

John - It's a mission, right?