Friday, March 19, 2021

5091 - Friday more memes... funny memes this time

I know the missing word!!!!

It probably checked its internet cache.

I can hear Guillermo on Jimmy Kimmel saying this.

Make up your mind!

Man oh man is this true.

Do NOT allow!

Ya think?


Elephant's Child said...

Smiling - and DEFINITELY don't allow Ahab anything.

Mike said...

Sue - And as long as he wasn't microchipped by Bill Gates he'll be OK.

Bilbo said...

The Google car-toon was good, but as a gardener, I can confirm the dandelion-vs-rose was spot on!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The last 3 made me laugh out loud! SO GOOD!

John A Hill said...

Funny memes!

Mike said...

Bill - And you know if you tried to plant dandelions on purpose they would all die.

Deb - Good way to start the day.

John - Were you sitting on your porch this nice spring day reading them? OH WAIT. It's snowing down there isn't it!

Cloudia said...

Lol. Thanks Mike!

Mike said...

Cloudia - Mahalo nui loa.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good ones! Google cars and roses + dandelions really made me laugh. Thanks!

Mike said...

Allen - The guy in the car should have hopped in the backseat and said, "I wasn't driving!"

Tundra Bunny said...

Now I know why mobsters used to say, "Leave the gun, take the cannolli", LOL!

Mike said...

TB - There's a 30 second Youtube video of that scene.