Thursday, March 25, 2021

5097 - Left vs right news

I was trying to find info on Snopes because a right winger had said Snopes was just a right wing site. I think they tend to be right wing only because the left wing lies so much. Especially the last four years. 

So I found this article that lists left vs right sites. Snopes wasn't on it but I thought it was interesting. It's not the one that looks like a pyramid which was what I was expecting before I clicked on it. Here's the picture if you don't want to go to the article.

If you want to read the whole article, here's the link...


John A Hill said...

Interesting that NPR shows so far left and Fox News isn't much farther right.

Elephant's Child said...

I would have expected Fox News to be further right - which is probably my left self's perspective.

Mike said...

John - It's a wonder that Fox is on the line at all since it's not news.

Sue - I think that the fact that the Wall Street Journal is to the left of center means the survey is skewed left a little.

Bilbo said...

I had the same reaction John did. I listen to NPR all day, and tend to find it a bit more "left-leaning," but not even close to the relative placement of Fox on this chart. I also subscribe to the Washington Post and NYT, commie pinko ratbastard that I am.

Kathy G said...

I had someone tell me that Snopes leaned to the left. I guess your perspective depends on which falsehoods they're busting :-)

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Hmmm....Fox may not be news to people who are sane but even then it should be with Rush and the other motley crew to the far right. Rush is in hell now so he should be removed.
I loved Bilbo's line, commie pinko ratbastard. 😊 I am apparently the same, I read the same papers and listen to NPR

Mike said...

Bill - I've seen pictures of your parents. You're not a bastard.

Kathy - I think Snopes just focuses more on Republican lies. Politico will call out both sides a little more, but since republicans are who they are, Politico shows left-leaning also.

Peggy - I should have noted that this is a PEW Research chart and they say in the article, "Note that this report measures the political leanings of the audience rather than the source itself."

Ole Phat Stu said...

It is an assumption that the scale is linear.
And that it is not quantised ;-)

Mike said...

Stu - True.

Kirk said...

Ah, but where is the Pew Research Center itself on this chart?

Anyway, I read The Nation and Mother Jones. Right-wingers aren't the only ones who don't trust the mainstream media!

Mike said...

Kirk - What's strange is the conservatives own most of the big media companies.

LJ said...

Mike, its always very interesting that when somebody has the nerve and guts to tell the ultimate truth in the media (especially on that Irish Geezer Shaun Hannitys show) the interviewer always gets very embarrassed and flustered, because it makes them so nervous to realise that they`re interviewing someone whos simply saying it like it is about the world around them rather than politely going along with the lies and hypocrisy and absurd nonsense like everyone else ! ! !.

Mike said...

LJ - True.