Sunday, April 25, 2021

5128 - Long joke Sunday

Ami said this was her Grandpa Jim's favorite joke.

Grandpa: How do you catch a polar bear?

Ami: I always answered, "I don't know."

G: Well, it's a little-known fact that polar bears LOVE canned peas.

A: Oh really?

G: Yes, really. So you have to get some peas.

     Then, you go up North. 

     That's where polar bears live.

A: He always said that last in a wry tone and winked at me.

G: You have to go out on the ice. You'll need a big ice pick. Cut a large hole in the ice. Big enough for a bear. 

Then, open the peas. Sprinkle them carefully all around the hole.

Be patient.


Eventually, the polar bear will come up to take a pea.

When he does, you kick him in the icehole.


Elephant's Child said...

Don't listen to your Grandpa Ami. He is not a nice man and he does not have your interests at heart. Perhaps you should have got him better birthday presents?

Mike said...

Sue - She can't listen to him anymore. The last time he tried this he missed with his kick. He's not around anymore.

Bilbo said...

There was a time, many years ago, when I was required for several weeks to use a real, old-fashioned outhouse. Jokes about frozen pees are NOT funny.

Mike said...

Bill - Been there done that.

Ol' Simmons said...

I always thought you kicked him in the pee hole.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds legit.

Mike said...

Simmons - I think this joke has been around a while. ... Unless it's a TRUE story!

Deb - We're going to assign you to go to the arctic to test this theory. While there's still ice to test it on.

Mike said...

Deb - If there is no ice where you are running your test, put the peas on a floaty. Then when the bear goes for the peas, paddle up and kayak him in the ass.

Cloudia said...

Leave no tern un- stoned while you were up there

Ami said...

I miss my grandpa.
He was a good guy, full of interesting stories and love for his family.

He was also a big smartass. Apparently that is hereditary, as I've recently learned there are people who believe that *I* am a smartass, too!

Mike said...

Cloudia - Poor little birdies.

Ami - You need to be a smartass as a defence mechanism these days.