I keep finding tree pictures. I checked back to make sure I wasn't duplicating pictures. So far not. But I am getting lazier. I didn't edit the people or the words out of these. I've got enough for another tree post also. We'll see if trees keep showing up in my internet wanderings.
1 hour ago
Too many trees would be barely enough.
Are trees the new cats of the internet?
I personally think the first photo would be interesting on its own, but the caption nails it.
Sue - Said the tree person.
Deb - It seems like it. One tree person trying to outdo another?
Kathy - That's one tree picture that needs the caption.
HAHA! Love that first one! We can never have enough trees.
Martha - So true.
So many fantastic trees! Don't blame you for not taking the people out; I'm also too lazy even though I'd prefer them edited. Thanks and keep 'em coming!
Allen - Maybe I'll edit next time... maybe not.
2 of mine! I'm flattered, Mike. My lawyer says I can build that new pool at my house this summer! Lol
Cloudia - You can have all the money I make from this. Just don't make the pool too big.
You said there were tree pictures, but I counted 18. You need to edit your text better.
Mike - Either way is fine with me. Both are excellent.
Allen - True.
Bill - I'm trying to think of a comeback................. I GOT NOTHING!
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