I keep finding tree pictures. I checked back to make sure I wasn't duplicating pictures. So far not. But I am getting lazier. I didn't edit the people or the words out of these. I've got enough for another tree post also. We'll see if trees keep showing up in my internet wanderings.
About Last Week
23 minutes ago
Too many trees would be barely enough.
Are trees the new cats of the internet?
I personally think the first photo would be interesting on its own, but the caption nails it.
Sue - Said the tree person.
Deb - It seems like it. One tree person trying to outdo another?
Kathy - That's one tree picture that needs the caption.
HAHA! Love that first one! We can never have enough trees.
Martha - So true.
So many fantastic trees! Don't blame you for not taking the people out; I'm also too lazy even though I'd prefer them edited. Thanks and keep 'em coming!
Allen - Maybe I'll edit next time... maybe not.
2 of mine! I'm flattered, Mike. My lawyer says I can build that new pool at my house this summer! Lol
Cloudia - You can have all the money I make from this. Just don't make the pool too big.
You said there were tree pictures, but I counted 18. You need to edit your text better.
Mike - Either way is fine with me. Both are excellent.
Allen - True.
Bill - I'm trying to think of a comeback................. I GOT NOTHING!
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