Friday, May 14, 2021

5147 - Illusion

Yes, another illusion. What color are the balls? Would you believe they are all the same color? And none of them are red, green, or blue.

Here's it is without the lines across the balls.

Here it is taking the lines in and out.

If you need to read more, here's the article.


Elephant's Child said...

Interesting - and proof that we cannot trust what we see.

Mike said...

Sue - Absolutely.

Bilbo said...

Stop screwing around with those of us with wonky color vision!!

Qanon said...

As it is now generally democrats are nothing more than 'useful idiots' for those focused on bringing America to its knees the best way to retaliate on here is to put all of them on ignore, delete, or BAN THE BASTARDS!

Which I am now proceeding to do right now to EVERY PROGRESSIVE, on these blogging boards.
ESPECIALLY the Queen of PROGRESSIVE and her 3, or 4 Sickos that post there.

If the majority of us Americans with a brain will do that....then these blogging boards will be truly conservative and we can converse in an intelligent manner without the constant disruptions and ignorance of those IDIOTIC People with names the some as Dogs.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Mike said...

Bill - I keep forgetting! What do you see? I'm curious.

GQP - Then why are you here? And dogs are smarter than GQPers.

Deb - On the last one I can still see the color through the red. But the green and blue completely change for me.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Which one is Fox News?

Mike said...

Stu - Definitely the first one. The last one would assume that they sometimes tell the truth.

Kathy G said...

I agree with Elephant's Child that this shows that we can't believe anything.

Mike said...

Kathy - Our eyes are too easily fooled.

John A Hill said...


Mike said...

John - For sure.

Martha said...

That's pretty amazing!

Mike said...

Martha - Don't believe anything you hear or see. Just hide in your basement like me.