Sunday, June 20, 2021

5184 - Long joke Sunday

An old farmer was in the egg business. 

He had several hundred young layers called pullets and eight or ten roosters, whose job was to fertilize the eggs. 

He kept records and any rooster that didn't perform went into the soup pot and was replaced. 

That took an awful lot of his time so he got a set of tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. 

Each bell had a different tone so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing. 

Now he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report simply by listening to the bells. 

His favorite rooster was old Brewster, a very fine specimen he was, too. But on this particular morning, he noticed old Brewster's bell hadn't rung at all! 

He went to investigate. 

The other roosters were chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing. 

The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover. 

But to his amazement, Brewster had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. 

He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. 

He was so proud of Brewster, he entered him in the county show and Brewster became an overnight sensation among the judges. 

The result... 

The judges not only awarded Brewster the No Bell Piece Prize but they also awarded him the Pulletsurprise as well.


Elephant's Child said...

Groan. But a very clever and funny groaner.

Mike said...

Sue - A twofer! Clever and funny. What more could I want!

Ole Phat Stu said...

I can tell you're not a mathematician, Mike, by the fact that you forgot to pun on the Fields Medal too.

Mike said...

Stu - Nope, I'm not a mathematician. But I do like pi. And if that chicken hadn't been so smart he might become chicken pot pi.

Bilbo said...

When there's a groaner of a joke to be told, I can always count on you to pullet off.

John A Hill said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh gawd, those puns -- THOSE PUNS!

Grand Crapaud said...

This joke made my day!

Mike said...

Bill - It's hard to keep up with the comedi-hen in you.

John - Tickled your funny bone, eh?

Deb - There's a rock song that has that same tagline rhythm as your comment and I'm giving up on trying to think of it.

GC - And now your night too!

Kathy G said...

Only you..... :-)

Mike said...

Kathy - Did you mean...

allenwoodhaven said...

Ouch! That was a long walk to the punchline but worth it.

Mike said...

Allen - A double punch.

Cloudia said...


Mike said...

Cloudia - There's been a lot of groaning going on here!

jono said...

I had an umbrella cockatoo for over 20 years and his name was Brewster. He would have liked this story.

Mike said...

Jono - :)